ERIC® Yeast Plus Patch 1009
Issue Date: 10/22/2009
Versions: ERIC® 1.0.77
Condition: An ERIC® software patch update ERICYeastPlus1009 has been issued to modify and update ERIC® 1.0.77 to accommodate yeast database changes since the release of ERIC®1.0.77. The patch should not be applied to ERIC® versions earlier than 1.0.77.
Candida dubliniensis is reported to be highly related to Candida albicans and growth at elevated temperatures has been used to distinguish these taxa. Growth at 42°C may have unreliable outcomes in many laboratories and reliable differentiation of these taxa is questionable. This patch will modify the database to accommodate this occurrence.
Solution: A software patch ERICYeastPlus1009 has been issued to update the RapID Yeast Plus database. The patch is a self-extracting application that will copy an executable ERICYeastPlus.exe to the folder on the target computer that contains the ERIC® database.
Download ERIC Yeast Patch 1009 to obtain the file ERICYeastPatch1009.Zip from Remel. Click here to download the white paper (Word document).
(Click here to go to 7-Zip web site to download the tool to open ZIP file, if required)
Or contact:
Technical Service
Phone: (800) 447-3641
Fax: (877) 428-1924
E-Mail: Technical Support
Step 1. Copy the file,, to your computer. The file may be copied to any location, including your desktop. The file will contain both the self-extracting patch file and a copy of this set of instructions.
Step 2. Once copied to a location, open and extract all files, including ERICYeastPatch1009.exe. Double-click on the ERICYeastPatch1009.exe file to launch the patch. The Patch should be titled ERIC Yeast Patch 1009. Read the instructions on the screen and click "Next".
Step 3. You will be asked for the folder to which the file should be extracted. You must extract the files to the location on your computer containing ERIC.exe. Typically, ERIC is installed to the default location - C:\Program Files\Remel\ERIC. If you selected the ERIC default at install, click "Next". If this is NOT the folder you selected when installing ERIC, please supply the location of the ERIC.EXE file folder and then click "Next".
Step 4. The patch will connect to ERIC and display a dialog box. Click "Apply" to apply the patch. The patch will display a message "Patch successfully applied" when complete. Exit the patch.
Step 5. Launch ERIC. Go to the Icon Bar, select "Control Panel" and then select "Updates". The patch applied should be listed in the Upgrade/Patch list.
Further assistance: For additional assistance, contact Remel Technical Services.